Labels:automaton | chair | dog | door | earth | grass | map | poster | sculpture | sky | windowpane OCR: OPERATION: onument Blitzkrieg Engagement 1 PartI 9-Get your Access Card 3-Prepare Rorket Ieam here (seestep he and here -Thrw this switch: 1Mkearunforthef Hcces Card,shoot quicklyblindh couple of ro kets and lrn out (lookat t the dinwm courre) 7-Access Panel 5-Hell isuleashed! Charge toflme thrower, backand dlen : all thebad guys north this point 6 Carefullygoing from I0LT to 10 m H11 all thebad 1-Start tPomt 2-Get ATTO &Hadkit Monumeni Frepare Launcher Throwthis dtawm coure Chany flame nall snorth frum WIOI Madlit